Solid Color Tie


The solid color tie is a must for every occasion and outfit. It’s the perfect accessory to create strong contrasts or ton sur ton chromatic plays based on the context. Sanseverino Napoli solid color ties is produced using the most refined fabrics, mainly silk, but also worsted or cashmere, based on the season. This evergreen accessory is available both in the three-folds version and seven-folds version, long (1.50cm) or extra-long (1.60cm). To elegantly dress up every gentleman.

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The solid color tie is a simple yet tasteful accessory, it’s known indeed that simplicity is the best look. This timeless classic is suitable for every shirt and look, and perfect for every context. Solid color ties can be paired both with patterned and monochrome suits, they’re ideal for semi casual outfits playing with vivid color contrasts, but are also perfect for more strict and formal businessman outfits, using darker, less eccentric shades. The weave and wrap of the fabric are emphasized by the lack of pattern, along with the soft and delicate consistency, showing ogg the craftsmanship and the precious fabrics behind this garment. Both in the classic three-fold version, or in the elegant seven-fold version, the Sanseverino Napoli solid color ties give off a sober and clean look of essential elegance.

Additional information

Weight 500 g



silk twill (100% silk)


Normal (cm 8,5)


Normal (cm 150)


Solid color

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